
KNA Foundation is dedicated to pioneering sustainable, value-based projects that uplift and empower communities. Through our unwavering commitment, we strive to create lasting positive impact and foster meaningful change for a better, more inclusive future.
 KNA  serves as a dedicated monitoring and evaluating unit, collaborating seamlessly with fellow NGOs to conceive, refine, and implement impactful rural projects. Our commitment lies in ensuring the effectiveness and sustainability of initiatives that make a meaningful difference in the lives of rural communities.


Empowering each individual to contribute towards shaping a better society for the future, fostering a safer and more secure environment for everyone to thrive.


Organize skillset training programs to empower individuals for income-generating activities, fostering economic independence and self-sufficiency.

Advocate for and work towards making education a fundamental right for every child, irrespective of socio-economic background, gender, or geographic location.

Elevate pensions, donations, and healthcare facilities in rural areas, ensuring destitutes have the means to meet their basic life needs and live with dignity.

Establish sustainable units through small business plans, promoting community development and economic growth in rural areas.

Collaborate with various NGOs to synergize efforts and achieve our shared vision and mission for community betterment.

Meet our founder Mr. Mohammad Kazim Ali

Meet Mr. Mohammad Kazim Ali, affectionately known as Mr. Kamal—a visionary philanthropist and successful entrepreneur based in the USA. His unwavering commitment is dedicated to propelling the future readiness of rural communities. Rooted in the profound belief in the transformative power of genuine intentions, Mr. Kamal endeavors to catalyze positive change and impact, aspiring to shape a world where every community is poised for a brighter future.

The genesis of the KNA Foundation is a testament to the ardent desire to turn Mr. Kamal’s dreams into tangible reality. At the heart of our organization and its members beat a steadfast belief in Mr. Kamal’s philosophy—that goodness begets goodness. This core value serves as our guiding principle, propelling us forward in our mission to usher positive change and impact into communities in need. Join us as we embark on a journey driven by compassion, dedication, and a shared vision for a better world

Have questions or want to learn more about how you can get involved with KNA Foundation? Contact us today to speak with a member of our team. We're here to help you find the perfect opportunity to contribute your time, talents, and resources towards building a brighter future for all.